Vote for Vietnam (English)

Voting for nominees will continue through 31.12.08. A New7Wonders Panel of Experts will then select the 21 finalists, from which voters worldwide will elect the New 7 Wonders of Nature.

First / Last Name: *
Gender: *
Year of birth: *
Country: *
Email address: *
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I agree to the Terms and Conditions of New 7 Wonders: *
I wish to receive all the latest information about New7Wonders.

Voting details for New7Wonders of Nature nominees:

You have one voice, but seven votes. You must select 7 different nominees.

Vote 1 *
Vote 2 *
Vote 3 *
Vote 4 *
Vote 5 *
Vote 6 *
Vote 7 *


We will send you a confirmation E-mail. Your vote will not be counted until you have clicked on the link in this E-mail.

*: mandatory



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